Daily Archives: 2008/07/15


I know another quote means that I couldn’t come up with anything original.  Well, there is a lot in my life right now so when things speak to me…I share them.

This is a quote from Too Christian, Too Pagan by Dick Staub

Following Jesus today requires you to practice that same single minded conformity. And it will produce the same effect on your life that it did with Jesus. If you truly follow Jesus, in addition to enjoying a most excellent adventure, you will likely end up seeming too Christian for many of your pagan friends and too pagan for many of your Christian friends. When you truly follow Jesus, you’ll spend considerable time in the world like He did, and as a result, many of your religious friends will think you’re too irreligious. On the other hand, many of your irreligious friends will find it odd that you are so focused on the spiritual. Thus, you end up seeming both too Christian and too pagan.

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