Tag Archives: Current Reading


It was a late night/morning as I stayed up to watch the best basketball team in history win their 17th championship. Congratulationsto the Celtics of Boston! I tried to find a video to imbed but there isn’t much out yet so it’s no video today.

For father’s day I received a men’s booklet. Sounds exciting no? It is a 25 day Bible study from the man’s sector of Living Proof Ministries from Beth Moore fame. It is written by her son-in-law and so far it is quite good. Although I have only done one day so far; I am impressed by the simplicity. There is the typical daily verse followed by a short thought provoking message. A few more verses to read that buttress the thought and we are off to the questions. This section is broken down into two sections: the first being a few questions to ask about yourself and where you are in regards to the reading, then the part I like the best is an outline to write you daily prayer. Since they do not give you much room to write, I found myself remembering what I wrote more easily, leading me to be able to pray the same prayer throughout the day. I will have a review upon completion.

I have also recently started reading The Divine Comedy by Dante. It is actually quite good. I first picked it up years ago after watching the movie 7 but never opened it. I saw it on the shelf and decided to give it a run around the block. So far I am pleasantly surprised. I have never been a sucker for poetry but this is reading smoother than most. I will say that an understanding of the world that Dante lived in helps even in the first 5 cantos of the poem. Nothing vast in needed but the introduction in whatever translation you get is imperative. It is very interesting to see the worldview that someone in this life would have had. Would we be any different? Well, either way, great beach read…check it out.

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